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Brooks Wade

a group of people riding on the back of a truck

‍There is such peace at Jocassee this time of year. The silence of the lake is penetrating. And yet there is a certain unavoidable sadness to this time of year as well. Most any drive through the mountains makes evident the uniform youth of the forest throughout the Gorges, which was clearcut in the early part of the last century. In fact the entire SE was clearcut within the last one hundred years or so, from the coastal flood plain cypress and tupelo forests to the richly diverse hardwood forests of the high country. We know of this due to the written history and to the photographs of that era that remain. Without both we would never know what we have wrought on this earth. It is essential that young people know this, know what has been destroyed and yet what can return. It is the long goal of our work here. Working for something we will never see. Work that is dedicated to our children’s children. Though there is despair now at what we have done to this place, there is hope as well. It takes both love and patience. So much of both. ~B

a tree in a forest


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