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Sheryl White

Each morning, before leaving the dock, I double check my weather app & Duke’s lake levels site just to be as certain as possible about the forecast for the day and what shoals to watch for.  Feeling fairly confident the predicted storms would start after we finished our tours, we set out in search of adventure.  Before…

Kay Wade

Strong storms in the southeast are not uncommon in May, but strong storms on the sun that can be seen in the southeast… well, that’s definitely not common. A week of thunder and lightning, of hail and downed trees and tornados gave way to a clear, bright sky on Friday evening. Upstate SC observed a…

Kerry McKenzie

This week, I had a serious case of FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out. After 5 years of leading the Jocassee Wild Child (JWC) Adventures, I stood on the dock, helped untie the boat lines and watched the kids and their awesome guides wave back at me, saying “bye, see you later!”  It took everything…

Kay Wade

Everything changes. This week change comes to this newsletter, after eleven years, seven months, and a few days. That equals 582 weeks of the Blue Wall Weekly. The first two editions crashed and did not go public; the third edition did not display graphics. In January of 2017 our mailing list was hacked and our…

Brooks Wade

MUDDY KIDS. ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOWS. It must be spring on Jocassee. What a lovely Tuesday morning it was, as we waited for a small herd of young’uns from Powdersville Elementary to arrive. The Devils Fork basin was full of hooting loons and Bonaparte’s gulls, just when I thought spring loon migration was done. And northern rough-winged…

Kay Wade

                                                                                         FLOWERS Hard though it may to describe a scent, than comparing…

A Deeper Look

A Deeper Look! Part of the interface between South Carolina piedmont and southern Blue Ridge Escarpment is enclosed within a little-known tract of land called the Jocassee Gorges. Only a couple of highways penetrate this land, and the best access is from Lake Jocassee, which nestles into the folds of the mountains at 1100’ above…

Rainforest to Rainforest

Rainforest to Rainforest! It’s raining in Dominica, soft, fine, gentle rain, and the sun is shining through the thick tropical foliage enough to illuminate every drop. I have a view through the mountains all the way down to the Caribbean Sea from the deck outside my glamping tent. A stand of mystical kava grows on…


We’ve been on this incredible journey for 13 years. I’m proud of what we stand for, the work we do. Here’s our mission statement as we go headlong into a new and challenging year. The mission of Jocassee Lake Tours and Jocassee Wild Outdoor Education is the promotion and protection of the Jocassee Gorges ecosystem…

January 22, 2024

So what do you do? Consider this an ongoing explanation of the mission of Jocassee Lake Tours and Jocassee Wild. Our planet is in trouble. Most all of us know that. It can be overwhelming. It seems nothing an individual does can have much effect. The problem is just too big and widespread. So what…


  This is winter along the base of the Blue Wall. We pull on boots, hats, jackets and raincoats to walk the dog. During our recent absence, gray squirrels decided our nice dry front porch was their nice dry front porch, and they’ve chewed through the hard plastic lid of the bird seed bucket, helping…

January 29, 2024

  Have I mentioned rain lately? Earlier in the fall I thought we were entering a drought cycle, something that seems to happen around here every decade or two. The lake was over 10 feet down, and I thought we were in for a dry, very low lake winter. Not so! The rains are copious,…