Our Mission
The mission of both Jocassee Lake Tours and Jocassee Wild Outdoor Education is the promotion and protection of the Jocassee Gorges ecosystem and the greater Blue Ridge Escarpment region in which we live and work. The world needs individuals and organizations dedicated to its protection, and we stake our claim right here. We say to the world, that this place, we will care for and protect. There is a huge swath of good earth here, from Oconee State Park up to Gorges State Park and across to Jones Gap State Park. The land is not completely contiguous, but it contains a massive amount of wonder and diversity. It is to this bit of our planet, and especially to the even smaller but explosively beautiful and diverse Jocassee Gorges, that we dedicate our work and our lives. Our job, when we get guests on a tour for a few short hours, is to share the love of place, to show them the wonder. It is from wonder that appreciation and love are given birth. Through the work of Jocassee Wild Outdoor Education, our outreach extends from grade school children to university level students to dedicated lifelong learners. Sharing the love, showing the wonder. It's what we do at Jocassee Lake Tours and Jocassee Wild.