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Kay Wade

a bridge over a body of water

Everything changes. This week
change comes to this newsletter,
after eleven years, seven months,
and a few days. That equals 582
weeks of the Blue Wall Weekly. The

first two editions crashed and did
not go public; the third edition did
not display graphics. In January of
2017 our mailing list was hacked
and our incredibly responsive web
host “cut the cord” to keep you all
safe, resulting in the loss of our
template, nearly four years worth of
archives… and the sudden
disappearance of the one person
who had put it all together. The
BWW rebounded with a slightly
different look and layout, which
we’ve kept until last week. Now,
with a new, streamlined format, it’s
time for a fresh new look. It will not
be perfect. We hope you like it.
Thanks for reading edition 583. ~K

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